Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Chickens and goats, oh my (September 25th)

September 25th

There are a lot of chickens and goats in Togo. They go where they please. When riding my bike I have to we watchful to swerve around goats since they’re not always quick to get out of the way.

 I still love being in Togo. Its just so different from anything I’ve ever known.

So I survived my first week here in Tsèvie. Today we had the day off, which was nice. In town there is a hotel called Hotel Melissa that has a pool that you can swim in for the day for 1,000 CFA (or 2 US dollars). We all had a blast (and got burnt to a crisp despite putting on globs of sun-block). It was great to be able to sit and talk and just relax (and cool off).

After the pool the owner of a local night club invited us to come check out the place for free. It’s interesting going to a club at four o’clock. I love dancing so I had a ton of fun. The Togolese dancing style is much like the people here (anything goes). There are very loose and fluid in their motions. Overall, it’s was another fantastic day in Togo.

Tomorrow, we’re going on a field trip to le marche (market). Some of us have already been, but I haven’t. There is a lot I need for buy for my post visit. During week five we stay at our post to get a feel for the place, find out what we need, and meet our counterparts. I can’t wait to find out where my post will be.   

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