Sunday, February 19, 2012

Chez Moi

My bed (I've just had a carpenter make the T for my mosquito net so that is finally up. Also, my pagne curtain.

My house, yard, latrine
My Lipico (woven cot good for hot season). You can also see part of my clothes cubby


  1. Umm, shouldn't a curtain go "over" the window, instead of next to the window?


  2. Is that one of the solar chargers in the window?

  3. There is string so that I can pull the curtain until it cvers the window. I cover the window when I am gone, changing, or it raining. Most of the time I want that window free so that it doesn't block the breeze. Otherwise its too hot.

    No that is not a solar charger. That square is an opening so that I can open and close the window shutters. They lock and unlock from the inside.
