Sunday, March 3, 2013

Just an Update

It’s been a while since I wrote an update blog post so here it is:
In December my Dad came to Togo and we went to Accra followed by Christmas in my village and then Tanzania. The vacation was wonderful and I was so happy to see my Dad. We hardly slept the first four days because we couldn’t stop talking. Accra was amazing. We stayed at a really nice resort and I sat by the pool and gorged myself on food for three days. At first everything was very overwhelming especially the food and luxuries such as hot water and a bathtub. Going to the mall in Accra was also a bit strange. I keep looking around not believing that I was still in West Africa and amazed at how much more developed Accra was from our capital. Christmas in village was very special because I got to share it with my Dad and show him my home and everyone I had been telling him about for the last fifteen months. Then he got to see Atapkame my regional capital where we met up with my friends Rebekah and David. From there we traveled to Kpalime to learn from Chantal how to make Batik, a hand dyed fabric. Our trip to Tanzania was beyond words how beautiful it was and all the amazing things I got to see. The biggest highlight for me was finding the pride of lionesses eating a zebra and looking back at my Dad knowing he was thinking the same thing as me that this whole experience is beyond cool. I was sad to see my Dad go, but I knew I would be home soon. It was a wonderful break for me and a chance to recharge my battery to finish my Peace Corps service.
Work related I am currently engaged in two major projects. First is the school improvement project. I’m so pleased to say that I have successfully raised all the money needed and I am incredibly thankful to everyone who donated. The next step is ordering the textbooks, having the chalkboards made, and organizing the event. My second project is called Take Our Daughters to Work. I will be taking ten girls from Asrama and traveling to Atapkame our regional capital and have a formation geared towards preparing them for university and professional life. The formation will be during spring break so the end of March. I’ve been extremely busy preparing and planning.
With only eight months left in Togo I feel that I have the rest of my service pretty well planned out. I am very content with the work that I am doing and feel that I have helped my village and community. Asrama has become my home, I’ve become close to my host family and especially my host mom, who I call Mamma. For all its ups and downs I love being here and am so grateful for this unique experience.     

Below I am including some pictures of Accra, Tanzania, and Christmas
Me enjoying a frappacino at the Accra Mall.

The beaitiful resort that we stayed at in Accra

Dad with my host family in Asrama

Christmas breakfast of fou-fou with my Chef de Canton and Dad
*Funny fact the guy sitting to my right asked me and Dad for my hand in marriage

Dad meeting the women who I do baby weighing with and the chef of the hospital.

Dad and I in Tanzania. It was such a beautiful view.

Tanzania is such a beautiful land

My favorite moment in Tazania was finding these guys eating lunch. Got great video too!


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