Monday, December 17, 2012

School Improvment Project

It has been a busy few months here for me in Togo. I have just finished up several “Men As Partners” projects and have been out of my village a lot. I am back in Asrama now and we have organized a community committee to develop a fundraiser for a school improvement project through the Peace Corps Partnership Program. I feel strongly about this project because I know without a doubt that it will help my school and especially my students. Working the past school year as a teacher allowed me to see the realities and challenges facing the school. Asrama is a poor community and struggles to do the best it can for their children’s education. What this project strives to do is create an ideal learning environment for the students, giving them the opportunity to expand their knowledge and improve their lives through education.

The project’s goals are to obtain funding for math, English, science textbooks and the purchase of six quality chalkboards. The other aspect of this project is the community contribution. For example, the Parent Teachers Association is in the process of purchasing fifty new student desks. In addition, plans are in place to utilize volunteer carpenters to build bookshelves to house the new textbooks and repair broken student desks. The students themselves are heavily involved and will be growing and planting trees that will provide shade to the school’s courtyard as well as conducting a school wide clean up day, and covering the new text books to protect them.

This project will greatly improve the condition of our school. These children are tomorrow’s leaders of Togo and my village is committed to giving them the best possible education. I hope anyone reading this will consider making a donation. If you decide to donate you will be investing in the students, the “Future of Togo”. I am so excited and thankful for all the people that have so willing contributed to our cause so far. I just heard that my elementary school I attended, Saint Mary’s Star of the Sea in Hampton, Virginia has organized a candy fundraiser to help. Wow! On behalf of my community, I thank you!

To donate follow this link or if you would prefer to send it by mail see below:

Donate Online:

Donate By Mail:
Send a check to: (include project number 13-693-002 in the memo)

Peace Corps Headquarters
Office of Gifts and Grants Management
1111 20th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20526
Please include the following form with your donation: